If you ride on Wilson St cycleway progress is good through Darlington and Newtown but there is a lottery at the Erskineville Rd lights. You can get a quick green, a slow green or an even slower green depending on where in the light cycle you arrive.

IWBC has written to Minister Constance asking that the light phasing be upgraded so that cyclists get a consistent short wait at the lights.

There is a No Right turn there too for cyclists, impeding cycling access to King St and the convenient Mary St route to Camperdown and Stanmore. IWBC is asking that restriction be removed. OK, you can dismount and walk across Wilson and remount in Erskineville Rd, but if a solution can be found it will make cycling that much easier and more attractive, particularly for those using cargo bikes and trailers.
A further problem at this intersection is the merge required back into Wilson St traffic after going through the lights. Drivers have priority and a speed and weight advantage and merging safely may be a problem. Ideally cyclists should have priority. A complete redesign of the intersection as a Dutch-style roundabout with raised crossings on exits might achieve this.

received reply from TfNSW. They will be making some changes to the Intersection and phasing, but are reluctant to change the right turn ban into Erskineville Rd from the bike lane. It is apparently against the road rules to turn like this, similar bans apply elsewhere. A workaround is to make a hook turn, by storing in Erskineville Rd and proceeding to King St on green.