Cycling Participation Surveys for Inner West

The latest (2018) NCPS Inner West (2018)Participation (a telephone survey)shows a significant increase in participation in cycling in the Inner West. 378 households were surveyed, with 820 occupants.

Figures show a rise from 15.4% to 20.2% of residents who had cycled in the last week.(Figure 2.1) Approximately 39,400 residents ride in a typical week and 72,200 residents ride at least once in a typical year.

Cycling rates are significantly higher in the Inner West than in the remainder of Sydney and NSW.(Figure 2.2)

Males are significantly more likely to have ridden in the past week than females (Figure 2.3)

Males over 50 are cycling more. (Figure 2.4)

If you want to cycle more often, check out our three member groups, Bike Leichhardt, Bike Marrickville and Bike Ashfield, who all organise regular rides and activities.

Note added in March 2022: A State Participation Survey was done in 2021. It doesnt contain a Local Govt breakdown.